featured services

Our trilingual interpreters facilitate communication among an English speaker, a speaker of another language, and a sign language user

MYL’s Deaf-Blind interpreters (DBI) provide visual environmental information in addition to spoken or signed content

Our trained Protactile Language Interpreters (PLI) are professionals, hearing or Deaf who use the Protactile language

We have a pool of professional Conavigators(CN) who are ready to provide that vital human connection to information that is missed

Blockchain, NFTs, Web3… it seems everything points to a new direction, the metaverse; where all are invited to work, learn, and play.

Take a look MYL’s award-winning Spanish-Sign Language dictionary ¡Dígalo en señas!

why choose us?
Although MYL was founded in 2016, as individuals we have been working alongside the Deaf and DeafBlind communities for over thirty years. We are people-oriented. Hence the particular needs and circumstances of your organization will be our main concern. Our motto is People over process. We will stay in contact with you along the way for every request or project so you can always know exactly where we are at. Read more about our service approach here.
Largest network of trilingual interpreters
We have the largest network of ASL/Spanish/English interpreters in the United States. This niche service is key to providing equitable access to Deaf from Spanish-speaking countries and their families.
Only Sign Language Provider Concerned with Your Virtual Reality Needs
The metaverse is no longer in the future and it requires accessibility. We have a host of services available to make sure your game, service, or product is accessible in sign language.
No limited office hours
There are no limited office hours at Mind Your Language. Need to book services Sunday morning? No problem, send us an email and we will start working on it right away.
Nationwide network of professionals
We have a large network of contracted professional interpreters with experience and expertise in diverse settings to support your organizational needs.
Best Customer Service
Our uber-friendly chameleonic staff will get back to you within the hour.